Tri kids.
On friday Room 7 and Room 6 went to Tri kids. We had to swim,bike and run. Parents came to watch their children. First was Room 6 .We waited a long time but finally it was Room 7 turn. Everyone ran choose their bike.It took me a long time to choose. When I finished choosing I ran to the swimming waterslide. The rules were we were supposed to be careful because there wasn’t much space. The man incharge of the swimming told us to slide on our stomach then come back and do it again three times. The man wet us with cold water from a hose. The water was so cold I felt like I was in the North pole. Then he shouted ‘Go!’ we all ran so fast that on my third lap I bumped heads with another boy. When I finished the man that watered us with the hose came and asked me ‘Are you okay?’. I said ‘Yes’ and started running to the biking place. I quickly ran to get my bike and helmet that I chose. I pushed my bike out of the transition area and then quickly hopped on. I kept on falling of my bike so the man in charge of the biking came and helped to ride my bike .Once I finished biking I went to do the running it was easy. Then when I finished running I went to sit down.I got a Easy peesy drink. Then we went back to class and changed back into our uniform. I’ll never forget this day because it was my first Tri kids.